TAG | pets
Reducing Pet Anxiety and Stress during Summer Thunder and 4th of July Fireworks
Tis the season for loud thunder and flashes of light. If it’s not thunder ringing out, then it’s fireworks. Once the evening storms stop, the nighttime sky will be lit up and massive booms will ring through the air. Enjoyed by many people, loud noises from storms and pyrotechnics can send pets into an all […]
dogs, fireworks, pet anxiety, pet stress, pets, sileo, vet, veterinarian
What Would We Do Without Our Technicians?
It’s National Veterinary Technician Week! October 12th – 18th is a week dedicated to honoring veterinary technicians across the country. First celebrated in 1993, National Vet Tech week provides an opportunity to recognize veterinary technicians’ contributions to veterinary medicine. Veterinary technicians are essential to the daily function of veterinary practices, and play a vital role […]
Avon, cat, cats, dogs, national vet tech week, PAW, pet, pets, Progressive Animal Wellness, technician, vet, vet tech, veterinarian, veterinary, veterinary technician
From Wading to Wagging: What You Should Know About Dogs and Water
Check out our latest blog on Avon Patch!Follow and subscribe for future installments!Even with the summer winding down, there are still some warm days to be had. It’s a great time to take dogs swimming. But, there are a few things we at Progressive Animal Wellness like to remind our clients and friends.Lurking in the […]
Paws Can’t Pack- Is Your Pet Ready for a Disaster?
Given our history of severe weather here in Connecticut the past two Octobers as well as the fact that September is National Preparedness Month, it’s a great time for emergency planning. You and your family may have already put together an emergency kit. But did you include your pets?Whether or not we and our pets […]
Pet Portrait Event at PAW to Raise Money for Pet Oxygen Masks
Pretty pooch? Fashionable feline? Just in time for this year’s holiday card-sending season, Progressive Animal Wellness (PAW) in Avon is offering an opportunity to have your pets professionally photographed while helping better equip the local Fire Department to be first responders for our furry friends. On Saturday, October 19, 2013, from 2:00-5:30 p.m., […]
Pet Obesity – NBC 30 June 11, 2013
Dr. Shagensky was again a guest on NBC 30’s CT News. Kerry-Lee Maryland interviewed him on Pet Obesity. An informative chat on how to help your pets stay, or get, trim. If you have any questions about your pet’s weight, feel free to call or stop by the clinic for an assessment and plan to […]
obesity, PAW, pet obesity, pets, Progressive Animal Wellness, veterinarian, veterinary
Dog Days of Summer – Water Safety on NBC CT
Important water safety tips for your dog! Post by Progressive Animal Wellness (PAW).
dog, Dr. Corey Shagensky, PAW, pet, pets, Progressive Animal Wellness, water