Paws Can’t Pack- Is Your Pet Ready for a Disaster?

0 Comments Monday, August 11th, 2014.

Blog Disaster

Given our history of severe weather here in Connecticut the past two Octobers as well as the fact that September is National Preparedness Month, it’s a great time for emergency planning. You and your family may have already put together an emergency kit. But did you include your pets?

Whether or not we and our pets will survive a weather-related or any other emergency depends a lot on how well we prepare. And, as FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) says, what’s best for us is typically what’s best for our animals (Caring for Animals,

As we at PAW like to say, prepare for the worst and hope for the best. That means being ready to evacuate your home. And, if you do evacuate, take your pets with you. In the recent Colorado floods, people and their pets were evacuated by helicopter and, knowing people would be more willing to leave if they could bring their pets, shelters allowed pets. We are hopeful that trend will continue and extend to this area. However, since most area shelters currently do not allow pets, make alternate arrangements such as staying with a friend or relative whose home is located somewhere safe or identifying hotels and motels that allow pets. Buddy up with neighbors and help each other whenever you can.

Just as you do for yourself and other members of your family, make sure you have at least three days’ worth of food in an airtight container. And, just like us, pets need plenty of water, too. If your pet takes medications on a regular basis, keep an extra supply on hand in a waterproof container. 

Talk with your vet about what types of first aid items your pet might need and add those to your emergency kit. Typical considerations include: bandages and tape, antibiotic ointment, scissors, and a pet first aid reference book.

Also ask your vet to provide names of vets and animal hospitals in other towns and cities where you might seek shelter. And, consider microchipping your pets and enrolling them in a recovery database. That way, if you become separated, you have a much better chance of being reunited with your pet.

Finally, consider purchasing “Pets Inside” stickers for your home’s doors and windows. Many sticker options (such as the different choices at pet rescue stickers) allow you to identify the number and types of pets living in your home as well as an emergency contact number. If you evacuate, simply write “evacuated with pets” on the stickers before leaving your home.

For more information, Ready has prepared this helpful brochure.

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